Customer Testimonials
We'd love to hear from you!
Amazingly Fast!!
- Kelly - San Antonio, TX
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
- Nathan - Las Vegas, NV
My daughter is 12 and has had oral canker breakouts for the longest time. This was a wonderful find.
- Sue - Roy, UT
I've searched high and low for anything that works for my oral cankers. Thank you, my search is over.
- Linda - Seattle, WA
Thank GOD! This is it!
- Rod - Pocatello, ID
You saved me!
- Becky, Portland, MN
I've had one or two canker breakouts a month my whole life. Since using The Canker Spanker, I haven't had a canker in six months!
- Lori - Denver, CO
I love The Canker Spanker because it's small, discreet and it works!!!
- Marty - Plymouth, OH
It works!
- Michael - Walnutport, PA
I've been using this product to prevent COLD SORES, and it works wonderfully!
- Ben - New York, NY
My prescription costs $75 every time I have a canker breakout. The Canker Spanker is far less and works better. Go figure!
- Mitch - Cody, WY
Your product works amazingly. I had the start of a canker sore and took one pill and it backed off immediately. Doctors always wanted to prescribe antiviral meds but I knew that the outbreaks preceded my monthly cycles and I could not find a solution. Thank You!
- Kristi - Davepark, IA
My husband gets canker sores several times a year and sure enough, he got one over Christmas. I pulled out this nice little tin of The Canker Spanker and he gave it a try. He said he's never had anything work so well on canker sores!
- Songberries Blog - Small Town, UT
These pills work wonders, while I was taking The Canker Spanker I did not break out at all, but now I have 3-4 large sores. Can I get another shipped out today?
- Tiffany - Alma, AR
Worked great.
- Deanna - Wallingford, CT
Awesome - I will be re-ordering within the next couple of weeks.
- Mike - Springfield, PA
The Canker Spanker worked pretty good. I honestly wasn't expecting it to work at all but it definitely decreased the amount of canker sores I would get. Definitely worth the buy.
- Justin - Port Orange, FL
I did not think such a little pill couple put a stop to a recurring problem. Thanks!!
- Laurie - Eau Claire, WI
I just wanted to let you know that I "love" your product. I order tons from you because this has been one of the only things that have been able to control my canker sores. My Dr. has prescribed me tons of prescription drugs, mouthwashes, etc and nothing has been able to control them like The Canker Spanker. I hope you are well on your way to becoming a zillionaire for what you've developed.
- E. Smullen - Tacoma, WA
This is the most amazing product I have ever used. I tell everyone about The Canker Spanker. I suffered my entire life with these until 2014 when at my wit's end I came across your website and I thought, what the heck. Since I have been taking these (severe formula) if I get a canker I double up like you said. I told my husband's cancer doctor about your product because some of the chemo causes cankers. Thank you for a canker-free life.
- C. Foster
When I read that The Canker Spanker worked on cold sores just as effectively as canker sores (mouth ulcers) I was highly suspicious since they are completely different conditions. I'll be - go straight to hell, it does! I suffer from terrible canker sores, while my son gets horrible cold sores that last for weeks. The Canker Spanker is crazy how well it works and I'm still dumbfounded, yet relieved we found The Canker Spanker.
- J. Daniels
Canker Spanker is the real deal!! I suffered from painful canker sores for 20 plus years. I could get one a month that would last weeks. I would try all kinds of products but nothing worked. I found Canker Spanker over 5 years ago. I take one a day, every day. I can’t remember the last time I had a canker sore!!! If I feel that “twinge “ I take 2 and it goes away. I will never stop taking Canker Spanker! It’s a miracle cure for me! I am so thankful !!
- K. Kokinacis
I've been using The Canker Spanker for many years and without exaggeration, it's a miracle worker. I used to suffer really badly with cold sores but even though I still get them (not as frequently) they're gone in a couple of days not like weeks prior to using The Canker Spanker. I highly recommend it to anyone who suffers from cold sores.
-J. Dorrian
About 8 years ago I looked up help for Canker Sores and ran across The Canker Spanker. I read reviews and thought this might be the answer to the plague I’d suffered for nearly 60 years!!!! Tried so many remedies including expensive compound pharmacy concoctions ordered by specialists in the ENT field! Never helped. I would be out of work, stop vacations and be very sick with 50-60 sores in my mouth!😢 After being on this for less than one month, it has given me freedom from the plague! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!
- B. Yeary
I Love The Canker Spanker because it's small, discreet and IT WORKS!!!
- A. Rose
My canker sores have never gone away so quickly and they stay away. Love this product and have been telling everyone I know that they should buy this because it is the best! :)
- B. Heller
I just wanted to say thank you to Canker Spanker. I have suffered from sores all my life. This is the only product I can take that actually works. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
- L. Lane
Thank you so much. Can I also let you know what a fantastic product The Canker Spanker is?
I have been using it for a year now and the difference is unbelievable. An outbreak is now occasional and is totally manageable whereas before it was a nightmare. Thank you again for sharing this wonderful product.
- J. D. Rain
My fiance has been taking the Original Canker Spanker pills daily for about a year and it definitely helped the frequency of them.
- A. Stiglaino
I have suffered with canker sores my entire life. Through the years, I've tried every product out there but nothing helped. As I got older, I felt doomed to a life of misery because the cankers were occurring more rapidly, lasting longer and 1 or 2 sores at a time became 5 or 6. I couldn't talk, couldn't eat or drink, the pain was unbearable! My doctor and dentist earnestly tried to find a solution; I even went through a study conducted by the Salivary Dysfunction Clinic and Stomatology Research Lab at Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas, TX. The doctors there asked me to keep a journal of the aphthous ulcer outbreaks, the duration, the number and size of each ulcer, and my diet. I actually had more time with sores in my mouth than time without. I was looking online for the next 'miracle cure' when I stumbled upon, The Canker Spanker website. The money I've spent on remedies, what's $20.00 more? I would give Canker Spanker a try. I ordered the severe strength. Shipping was free and fast. I was impressed with the packaging, the little sample of Olive Ageless firming cream, and especially the hand-written note, thanking me for the order. However, I needed the product to impress. I immediately took two and two more before bedtime. The very next morning, I could feel a difference. The pain had lessened a little. I took two more tablets that evening and on the third day each ulcer had started to fade from bright red to pink. I couldn't believe it - by the fourth day, the sores were healed! I began taking one tablet daily as the directions indicated for prevention. I wish I could say I've never had another ulcer but I can say, there are fewer outbreaks, less sores at a time and the duration has gone from 12 to 14 days to 5 or 6. The Canker Spanker is the miracle I've been praying for my whole life! I thank God for the Canker Spanker team and I will gladly be their poster girl! This is my honest review.
- T. Overton
This product changed my life and the shopping experience is as easy as 1, 2, 3.. and I have to admit, I appreciate the handwritten note in all my orders. :)
- K. McAleese
This product WORKS! I have been taking it since 2010, luckily found it on an internet search, and my cankers are gone. I was suffering for years from breakouts and nothing cured them until I found Canker Spanker. Take them daily to prevent habitual breakouts or keep them in stock to take if you feel that "please not now tingling" sensation! This product WORKS!
-M. Anderson
It works, or I wouldn't waste my time and money.
- B. Stewart
I honestly couldn't believe this actually worked. I've been suffering from chronic canker sores since childhood and tried everything under the sun from old wives' tales to prescriptions from specialists, absolutely nothing worked until this. I was in tears when it worked. So grateful I ran across your site and decided to give it a try on a whim. THANK YOU!
- C. Hughes